Our firm recognized an extraordinary opportunity in the nuclear energy/ uranium mining industry several years ago. Old West partner and portfolio manager Brian Laks offers this update on our investments in this area:
It’s been two and a half years since we first wrote about uranium in our 2018 year-end letter. We launched our Opportunity Fund that year to focus on the idea as we saw industry fundamentals improving and felt that we were nearing a turn in the cycle. The timing turned out to be excellent as we were able to steadily raise and deploy capital building positions in a declining price environment as the stocks bottomed.
In April 2020 we wrote that we believed the inflection point had arrived. Since that time, our positions have multiplied in value and the patience of our investors has been greatly rewarded. In an interview we gave last quarter, we talked about the need to become more selective as general valuation levels improved. We think we are still in the early stages of a long overdue industry rebalancing, and we maintain core positions in what we believe are the best assets to capture improving economics in the industry.