
Monday, August 16, 2021

Warren Buffett in Switzerland: A Few Lessons on Value Investing


Rare footage of Berkshire Hathaway’s CEO sharing his investment and business wisdom in a Q&A session in Switzerland.

Berkshire Margin of Safety is not on price, but qualitative factors

Ben Graham


Long term investing

Durable competitive advantage



Management qualitative factors “Management you’re gonna love 20 years from now.”



Future profits

Evaluation of a business

Software products

Tech / computer/ IT industry (Microsoft, Google)


Being chief risk officer as CEO

Control / decentralised management of acquisitions and holdings

Values / ethics and behaviour

Charity is up to shareholders to allocate, not up to us to allocate their funds

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Jeremy Grantham: Beware The ‘Confidence Termites’


In his recent interview on The Moneyweek Podcast, Jeremy Grantham discussed what might bring this latest prolonged bubble to an end, and the role of the ‘confidence termites’. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

Grantham: The history books are pretty clear, there doesn’t have to be a pin. No one can tell you what the pin was in 1929. We’re not even certain in 2000. It’s more like air leaking out of a balloon. You get to a point of maximum confidence, of maximum leverage, maximum debt, and then the air begins to leak.

And I like to say, the bubble doesn’t reach its maximum and then get frightened to death, what happens is the air starts to leak out slowly because tomorrow is a little less optimistic than yesterday. And gradually, people begin to pull back. And the process is very interesting, in that before the end of the great bubbles, and there’s only been a handful, so we can get carried away with over-analysis.

Monday, August 9, 2021

A Conversation with America's #1 Futurist

Stansberry Investment Hour:

On this week’s episode of the Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan invites an incredibly special guest onto the show.

He studied for years under Henry Kissinger at Harvard University…

He later helped pioneer the formulation of supply-side economics as Chairman of the Lehrman Institute’s Economic Roundtable…

And he’s widely regarded as America’s #1 futurist…

The one and only, George Gilder.

George is best known for many of his best-selling books including, Wealth and Poverty, Life After Television, Life After Google, and his latest work, Gaming A.I.: Why A.I. Can’t Think but Can Transform Jobs. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Howard Marks: Thinking About Macro

Oaktree Capital

Regular readers of my memos know that Oaktree and I approach macro forecasts with a high degree of skepticism.  In fact, one of the six tenets of Oaktree’s investment philosophy states flatly that we don’t base our investment decisions on macro forecasts.  Oaktree doesn’t employ any economists, and we rarely invite them to our offices to share their views.

The reason for this is simple: to use Buffett’s terminology, we’re convinced the macro future isn’t knowable.  Or, rather, macro forecasting is another area whereas with investing in general – it’s easy to be as right as the consensus, but very hard to be more right.  Consensus forecasts provide no advantage; it’s only from being more right than others – from having a knowledge advantage – that investors can expect to dependably earn above-average returns.

John Polomny: Regulatory Capture Of The FED By Crooked Former FED Officials. They Get Rich, You Get Screwed

Just more crookery as people work at the FED where they ostensibly regulate the banks. We see all these so-called smart people work at the FED and manage our economy. After they blow serial bubbles and ruin average people's financial lives they move to private industry (banks) and get fat salaries and perks.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Goehring & Rozencwajg Q2 2021 market commentary: The IEA Ushers in the Coming Oil Crisis

Goehring & Rozencwajg 

The fundamental problems facing global oil markets are much more severe than 2021’s spike in oil prices would suggest.

Our newest commentary, The IEA Ushers in the Coming Oil Crisis, provides an in-depth look at why global oil demand will not taper off due to ESG-related reasons, as the IEA predicts, and supply growth will likely remain restricted — a recipe for a dramatic oil deficit.

  • Problems facing the oil supermajors: Exxon, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and Total
  • Shrinking global oil inventories
  • Tightness in the US natural gas markets
  • Higher-than-expected Chinese agricultural demand

Harris Kupperman Interviews Josh Young Of Bison Interests

In this episode, Patrick Ceresna and Kevin Muir take a backseat and let fan-favourite Harris Kupperman aka Kuppy interview Josh Young from Bison Interests.  Josh has been hitting out of the park when it comes to his energy picks, and he comes back to the Market Huddle to give us his new picks.